SCC: Emerging Media Outlets & Science Communcation

A few months ago I reported on the delightful time I had at a Science Communication Consortium discussion held in New York (where I also got to meet Kate of the sadly departed Anterior Commissure), but for those of you in the area there's going to be another meeting coming up on January 31st. The panel discussion is going to be all about emerging outlets for science communication (including blogging!), and the panel will feature science journalist Christie Nicholson, president of ScienCentral, Inc. Eliene Augernbraun, "Immune Attack" project coordinator Eitan Glinert, science writer Karen Frenkel, and fellow Scibling and author Carl Zimmer. I'll definitely be there in the audience, and if you'd like further details visit the new SCC website. I might be seeing some of you sooner than that in North Carolina, though, so January is definitely going to be a busy month!

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thanks for helping to get the word out. we're really looking forward to this one - it should be a really engaging discussion...
am looking forward to catching up again! see you there :)