Welcome, Bioephemera!

Bioephemera is now live on ScienceBlogs; head on over and give Jessica a warm welcome. I hope her presence here on Sb is anything but ephemeral.

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(This is a guest post written by Mo, the Neurophilosopher.) I'm very pleased to announce that the fantastic Bioephemera has been "acquired" by ScienceBlogs. When I first started reading it, I knew that I had found a unique blog, and it soon became one of my favourites. (More below the fold...)…
Well. A month has flown by, the lease is up, and the SB landlord is banging on the door to get the keys back. Something about an explosive new tenant needing the place. Supposed to be a blast. So here it is. My final Photo Synthesis post, fitting in one last ant before the blog really takes…
Over at loveart there is a great interview with Sb's own Jessica Palmer of Bioephemera. There's plenty there about science, journalism, art, blogging, and how they all intersect, so I definitely recommend that you give it a look!
Friends, readers, and new Sciblings: bioephemera has moved to a new home here at Scienceblogs! I'm happy to be here with so many bloggers I respect. And it gives me warm fuzzies to know they invited me to join them because. . . well. . . probably because they didn't have any blogs starting with b…