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This past January I was somewhat shocked to discover that one of my posts had been voted into the 2nd edition of The Open Laboratory, a collection of 50 of the best science posts published in 2007 by writers from all over the science blogosphere. Now you can purchase the book via amazon.com, although the best place to get it is still lulu.com. Why? Because proceeds from the lulu.com sales will go towards ScienceOnline'09 (the official site to be launching soon), an event that I hope to be attending next January.

Also, don't forget that you can start nominating excellent posts for the next iteration of the anthology here. I'm hoping to make a repeat performance, but whether I'll write anything good enough to make it into the next edition is anyone's guess.

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The day before yesterday, my copy of The Open Laboratory 2007, the second annual science blogging anthology, arrived in the mail. So yesterday, Reed and I met at a coffee shop and looked it over. It looks great! Reed knows what he's doing and is a perfectionist, so of course the book looks…
The second science blogging anthology, the Open Laboratory 2007 is now up for sale on Amazon.com. As the profits will go towards the organization of ScienceOnline'09, it is the best if you guide your readers to buy it directly from Lulu.com. However, it would be really nice if some of the readers…
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I know you've all been waiting for this. Well, after two all-nighters, the deed is done. Under the fold is the final list of 50 posts that will be included in the anthology. There may be some small changes if some of the authors refuse (or never get back to me in the first place), but I have a…

Agreed. If my scanner was working or if I had a camera I would put a better one up there. I don't know why that has not been changed yet.

No! I haven't got mine. What's up with that?
Craig and I contributed a story, even.

Congratulations! See, someone is already convinced that your writing belongs in a book.

By Stevo Darkly (not verified) on 23 Apr 2008 #permalink