R.I.P. Stan Winston

Behind-the-scenes footage of Stan Winston Studios during the making of Jurassic Park III. You can see Stan here and there throughout.

With Indiana Jones IV completed and out in theaters, I started to wonder when Jurassic Park IV might appear (it's presently slated to be released next year). The special effects in the original film look just as good to me now as they did when I first saw the film in a Florida movie theater, and the work of Stan Winston's studio on all the Jurassic Park films has kept me going back to watch the movies even when the storylines and acting started to get a bit hammy. In fact, most of my favorite movie monsters are Stan Winston creations; Predator, the Terminator, and many others all being born at Winston's studio. (The most recent completed project was Iron Man.)

I was thus shocked to learn that Winston died yesterday after a seven year battle with multiple myeloma, and the impact of this loss will be felt beyond Hollywood . Although Winston created an entire workshop of skilled artisans to carry on his excellent traditions, I can't think of a more talented and innovative special effects master.


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Wow, that's a shock! Stan was a genius of practical effects. His Jurassic Park work, as well as his Terminator and Aliens stuff (he did Aliens, right?) are among my favorite special effects in movies! It's sad to hear he's gone.

WOW! I like Your video... in how it features the special effects in dinosaur building process.

Looks like a lot of fun to be involved with FX professionals at this level.