Some big news

It seems that today is going to be a big day for science bloggers. Although updates were scheduled to go up yesterday, both Carl Zimmer and Phil Plait have delayed their announcements until sometime today. I've got a big announcement, too, something that I am definitely excited about.

My abstract on T.H. Huxley's thoughts about dinosaurs & birds has been accepted for the Dinosaurs: A Historical Perspective volume.

I truly am honored to be allowed to contribute to the book, and have to thank Mike Taylor for his advice and encouragement. I've got a lot of work to do this month but I am proud to be able to contribute my work alongside that of so many paleontologists that I admire.

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Good job. It's always nice to see hard work pay off. One of the most beautiful sights life has to offer is that of your own name in print. Enjoy!

First, let me add to the congratulations!

Second, and only because Carl has turned off comments, isn't Discover some kind of sensationalist rag? Maybe Carl thinks he can single-handedly raise the level of scientific discourse over there. Well, if anyone could do it, he could. I suppose I'll have to just pinch my nose and go have a read over there.

Congratulations! And IN Your Face Rutgers!

Though I'm happy for Carl and Phil, they were already big dogs so the move isn't that impressive. I'm far more impressed that a deserving new kid like you is getting his break. Maybe it will inspire me to get off my butt and try too. Or not.

I'm sure this is just the start for you.

Congratulations!! Excellent news, I was going to get the abstract book when it's published anyway, so now here's another reason. Well done!