Photo of the Day #270: Ring-Tailed Mongoose


A pair of ring-tailed mongoose (Galidia elegans). Photographed in the Madagascar exhibit at the Bronx zoo on July 5th, 2008.

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A pair of ring-tailed mongoose (Galidia elegans), photographed at the Bronx Zoo.
A pair of ring-tailed mongoose (Galidia elegans), photographed at the Bronx zoo.
A ring-tailed mongoose (Galidia elegans), photographed at the Bronx Zoo.
A ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta). Photographed at the Bronx zoo on July 5th, 2008.

Wow! Now that's what I mean by an unusual species! Makes up for the lack of fossa-ness, doesn't it?

Spotted a typo by the way, "ring-railed" in the caption

Wow, first time I'm seeing this animal exhibited in captivity.

Wait, this is the first time I've actually seen a decent photo of a ring-tailed mongoose.

Saw one of these wild in Andesibe. Elegant little things, and that tail is really really red.