Book Progress #22

I'm a bit ambivalent about what I wrote yesterday. On the one hand I'm glad I finally got down to covering early tetrapods and think I came up with a pretty good foundation for the chapter (I wrote ~6 pages). On the other hand I'm not happy with most of what I wrote. I was writing away from my library so everything I generated was vague (and I'm sure some of it is wrong). At least I've got a place to start from, though.

Rather than continue adding to the list I had created, dropping clues, I've decided to make a new Wordle for each update so I can see how the book evolves as I keep working on it. If the current iteration is any indication I've got a lot of editing to do (look how big "however" and "although" are), but I am glad that "evolution," "fossil," and "time" are some of the most frequent terms. Here it is;

title="Wordle: Book 2"> src=""
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"


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No worries brother. Writing a book ain't exactly supposed to be easy. The trick is being OK with tedium. If you can get that down, you're golden. The life of a writer is not exactly adrenal-ific, but it's got it's rewards.

Wordle's cool, isn't it? I ran the text of a lecture I'm writing through it (for the general public, starting to get a bit nervous!) & ended up usingthe result fo the front slide cos it looked so good. Hadn't thought of using it the way you have thought - that's a really good idea :-)