Victorians, cavewomen, and dinosaurs

By way of checking up on this blog's traffic the other day, I came across the "Dawn of Time" web comic, which features a cavewoman and a friendly Triceratops (the first strip is here). Some of the scenes seem a little Edenic and humans never lived alongside non-avian dinosaurs, of course, but it is still fun to read. With the introduction of two bickering Victorian scientists into the story line, things are just starting to get interesting..

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Pretty good! You gotta love the prehistoric thong.
(sorry if that was sexist...I admit to being an unreconstructed male heterosexual)

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 05 Sep 2008 #permalink

Hahaha, where would we be without traffic reports? :D I'm glad you're enjoying it. Keep drawing a blind eye to that humans and dinosaurs thing, please! (to say nothing of future inaccuracies, to be sure)