Do you know what tomorrow is?

Tomorrow is certainly a very important day, although you won't get any help from your calendar. Any guesses as to what it is?

[I'll give you a hint; it's a very important date for creationists.]

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Thursday. What do I win?

By Trin Tragula (not verified) on 22 Oct 2008 #permalink

Gummo Marx's birthday.

By Sodding Wick (not verified) on 22 Oct 2008 #permalink

The first ipod went on sale and the pneumatic tire was invented . . .

I know what it is and I've gotta tell you, it is probably on my Linux Calendar (though I won't get to check 'till later).

Funnily, Romeo is closer than he thinks....

(PS: I'm not saying because Brian and I know for the same reason ... a little Serbian bird told us.)

Pardon me for assuming I have knowledge of all calendars, everywhere, Greg. I will be more cautious next time. :)

I actually recalled the date and wrote something up earlier in the week, although our avian acquaintance did inspire me to let everyone else in on the game.

isn't it the date that Ussher claims the world was created on?

I recall that in 1996 a small, very select group of us got together to celebrate quietly and in a dignified fashion the 6000th anniversary of the universe. We did not, however, celebrate on 23 October because we had take into account the change from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar.

Isn't it mole day? As it 10^23?

Is it Leap Day? No, no, no. Of course not.

Is it the anniversary of a certain tourist trap^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H museum?

Happy 6012th birthday to the Earth, is it not?

By Julie Stahlhut (not verified) on 22 Oct 2008 #permalink

Sorry to nitpick but Bishop Ussher's reckoning was based on the Julian Calendar, not the Gregorian calendar which we currently use. In our calendar Bishop Ussher's calculations would set the birth of, well, EVERYTHING as September 21, 4004 BC. Do they sell happy belated b-day cards for all of creation?

It is mole day !!!!!!

I love mole! It's great on chicken.

pstub: Yes and no. You are right that Sept 12 is the Julian date of Usher's date, but for the same reason ... the same adjustment that transforms Gregorian to Julian (or back), Usher's initial date is ALSO wrong.

It actually works out that if you go backwards via the correct biblical number of solar years from Usher's starting point in the 17th century, you get to October 25th.

Of course, since Oct 25 4004 bce is NOT a MONDAY, the whole thing is screwed!!! THIS is the evidence we've been looking for all along, right under our bloody noses!

It happens to be my birthday too, I have always found it funny that I share a birthday with the whole durn world...but am more proud of the fact that I share it with Mole Day. ;)

I'm hazy on details, so I googled around and am still hazy on details. One source says both Ussher and John Lightfoot placed the date as the night before Oct. 23. Other sources say Lightfoot said either 6:00 AM or 9:00 AM on Oct. 23. If you read up on him you will come to the conclusion that Ussher was an excellent scholar. Basicaly he did as good a job as could be done with the information available at the time. His religious argumentations are interesting as well. Neither dummy nor whimp!

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 22 Oct 2008 #permalink

So, actually, I was hoping that Ussher would have been more explicit about the day on which Eve ate the Apple. With the beginning of Death, came the necessity for sex.