The Richard Gilder Graduate School is taking applications

The Richard Gilder Graduate School, housed at the American Museum of Natural History, is now taking applications for Fall 2009 enrollment. It's an accelerated, 4-year Ph.D. program which places the vast collections of the AMNH at grad student's fingertips, but if you're interested you have to act fast. The deadline for Fall 2009 admission is December 15, 2008. (I would apply myself, but I have every confidence that I would be rejected almost immediately.) You can find all the information you need on how to apply here.

[Hat-tip to Kevin Z]


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(I would apply myself, but I have every confidence that I would be rejected almost immediately.)

You never know. I think you show a lot of the qualities that would make for an excellent graduate student. Of course there are thing that might be problematic, but I think you would be able to write a killer statement of interest.

What graduate schools are you planning to apply to?

You are applying, right?

It seems you like this one, why NOT apply? Worst thing that happens is you get rejected. Which puts you in the same place you started. Of course, there's the possibility you'll end up in a better place, but you have to try. :)

By Kris Rhodes (not verified) on 28 Oct 2008 #permalink

Apply anyway. You never know unless you try.

DUDE! You really should apply. Give it a chance. You never know if you try. And what you never try may eat at you for years. Take that first step into the unknown, you might like what you find.

APPLY!!!! the worst that can happen is you don't get in...which leaves you in no worse position than you're in now. And you could get in!

You should try and talk/email with people in the program...that can really help too.

I presume you know someone there you would like to work with. Talk with them and apply. A supervising professor saying, "I want that one!" couldn't hurt.

The number of people who do not get in because they didn't apply is orders of magnitude larger than the number of people who applied and still did not get in.

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 29 Oct 2008 #permalink