Congratulations Mike!

The news has already broken at SV-POW! and Tetrapod Zoology, but in case you haven't heard Mike Taylor has successfully defended his Ph.D.! This is wonderful news. I am sure that the study of sauropods will benefit from his continued work in the field.

My only regret is that I can't buy him a drink since I am not going to be able to make it to SVP in England this year. (I actually owe quite a few people a drink or two. At this rate I had better hope I win the lottery to cover the bar tab I will surely build up...) Earning a Ph.D. merits a few rounds alone, but Mike (among others) has provided me with a lot of encouragement to try and publish my own research. I might never earn a Ph.D., but I am glad that I can congratulate Mike on attaining his!

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