Photo of the Day #692: Danger! Elk


A sign warning visitors about elk at Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone (with a female elk in the background). The well-groomed lawns there provided a 24/7 buffet for the herbivores.


Some people ignored the signs.

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Not only a 24/7 buffet but also a protected one. Some elk associate human infested areas as a predator-free zone (especially from those wolf things).

I thought the same thing when I saw them all, but I also heard that a wolf pack recently settled in the Mammoth area. As far as I know rangers were trying to convince them to settle elsewhere, but I don't know if they were successful. Still, it seems like the elk have a pretty sweet life at Mammoth.

Those who ignore the signs are looking for their fifteen minutes in the spotlight on a When Animals Attack video.

Your pics from your trip are incredible. I have been enjoying taking a peek each day to see what you have posted.