Photo of the Day #718: Anemone Geyser


Anemone Geyser, a small but frequently-erupting geyser in Yellowstone's Upper Geyser Basin.

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Brian, you have a great catalog of photos. Do you have a favorite National or State Park?

By JefFlyingV (not verified) on 30 Sep 2009 #permalink

Thanks, Jeff. Believe it or not, the photos I have been sharing during the last month have all come from my first trip out west to Utah and Wyoming. Next year it will be Yosemite, Death Valley, &c., so I will have taken a better sample by time I complete that trip. :)

That said, I really enjoyed my time in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem (which included Grand Teton). I quite liked Dinosaur National Monument, as well.

Brian, on my motorcycle trips I missed the central and northern parts of Utah. And from your photos I missed a lot. In the next year I hope to visit them. I wouldn't be surprised that they are your photos, I've had 2 trips out West and I accumulated over 3000 pictures.

I loved Yellowstone because of its size. I think a person could spend a year there and not see everything. It is truly Wonderland.

If you have the opportunity next year, visit White Mountain and the Bristle Cone Pines of the Inyo National Forest.

I'm looking forward too more of your great photos.

By JefFlyingV (not verified) on 30 Sep 2009 #permalink

I know that I should on some level be awed by the greater variety of interesting geological features that Yellowstone represents but I can't help but be floored by the imposing mountains of the Tetons. Tetons for the win!