The Panda's Thumb

A great blog is born: The Panda's Thumb is a multi-authored blog that blasts a firehose of reason at distortions of evolution.


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In case you haven't been following the vivisections of Wells' horrid book, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, I thought I'd mention that there's more online at the Panda's Thumb. Wells' book is a collection of anti-science propaganda, brought to us by those…
This work comes out in a few months though, as you can guess, I have my own advance copy already... Much more in due time. As before, see if you can identify any of the other works visible (just about) on the shelves. Some are easier than others! UPDATE: Well done if you had a go at guessing the…
Announcing the formation of a new group blog, The Panda's Thumb. Like a father with a new baby, I'm excited about this project and I'm telling everyone about it. The Panda's Thumb is a group blog that will focus primarily on explaining the theory of evolution, critiquing the claims of the anti-…
If you could travel back to Spain about ten million years ago, you'd have no end of animals to watch, from apes to bear-dogs to saber-tooth tigers. With so many creatures jockeying for your attention (and perhaps chasing you down for lunch), you might well miss the creature shown here. Simocyon…