Workshop Update: New Time, New Podcast

A couple weeks ago I mentioned that I'll be teaching a workshop in January at Yale about science writing. The response has been fantastic, with 90 people signed up at my last count. What makes the response particularly interesting is that a couple subjects of my own articles (like this) will be coming. So I may get them to talk a little about what it's like to be on the receiving end of the media machine.

Several readers have expressed dismay that they couldn't come. I'm happy to report that at least part of the workshop will be recorded and turned into a podcast that will be available for free at the Yale Itunes site. I'll let you know when it's ready.

I think there's still a little room left if any science graduate students at Yale want to sign up. And last, but not least, if any workshop participants are reading this, please note that the meeting times have been changed. The first session will be Tuesday, January 29 from 9 am to 11 am. The second will be February 5 from 9 to 11. Same meeting place. (revised pdf)


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