You Know You've Arrived When...

...skippy the bush kangaroo puts you on the permanent blogroll. thanks skippy!

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By way of Abel and DrugMonkey (among others), I see that today is Blogroll Amnesty Day. Jon Swift has the must-read post on the origins of the day and what it means now: The idea that links are the capital of the blogosphere seems so obvious that you would think an economist like Atrios of…
This is what happens when you leave posts in the Blogerator: someone beats you to it (hat tip: skippy). Unlike certain famous* bloggers, whose initials are Kos, I don't like to purge live blogs. Instead, I've been inspired by skippy. I would like anyone who links to this blog, and to whom I don…
A year ago to the day, skippy and Jon Swift led an uprising of little blogs. As skippy notes: the inestimable mr. swift has a handful of other links to other blogs also commemorating this auspicious occasion. so, this weekend, take a moment to click thru to a smaller blog, and read a new…
My apologies to the Great Bard. Today is Blogroll Amnesty Day, this year co-hosted by skippy and Jon Swift. According to skippy, we're supposed to link to five smaller blogs. Below the fold, my five choices, and my mauling of Shakespeare in honor of Blogroll Amnesty Day: Rev. BigDumbChimp…