"I Don't Want to Start Any Blasphemous Rumors...

...but I think that God's got a sick sense of humor."* From the Back Bay Sun:

A planned demonstration in front of the Shaw's supermarket near the Prudential Center was foiled, not by police but by a bad case of food poisoning.

The demonstrators, from an environmental group called Oceana, were set to picket outside the Shaw's at 53 Huntington Avenue last Monday morning. Instead, the group of activists spent the morning recuperating from food poisoning. The core group of picketers, as it turns out, had eaten at a Boston restaurant the night before and fallen ill.

Katie Burnham, media advisor and communications manager for Oceana's toxic pollution campaign, did not know how many protestors had become ill or at which restaurant they had eaten. She expected the demonstration to be rescheduled once the group had recovered.

Ironically the group was protesting high levels of mercury found in Shaw's swordfish and tuna, levels that could lead to food poisoning and other health hazards. Oceana had previously asked the supermarket to post a Food and Drug Administration warning in the store but, according to Burnham, representatives for Shaw's refused. Aside from picketing, the group planned to speak to customers as they entered the store and also use a 15-foot long tuna prop to attract attention.

The Intelligent Designer works in mysterious ways?

*bonus points if you can identify the 'modern rock' musician who wrote a song with this refrain (and no cheating with Google!).

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Did anybody see where the Boston restaurant got their ingredients, though? Perhaps they ran short and made a run to Shaw's supermarket?

I was listening to it when I saw this in my RSS feed! Clearly this is evidence that I have been chosen by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Or possibly the Invisible Pink Unicorn.

By confluence (not verified) on 15 Aug 2006 #permalink

Martin L Gore

By Theodore Price (not verified) on 16 Aug 2006 #permalink

This is OT, but did you see the front page article in the Boston Globe today about the toxic algae in the Charles River - btwn the Mass Ave. bridge and the Science Museum. It's that bright green gunk you posted about earlier.