Authoritarianism, Religion, and Evolution

Over at Orcinus, guest blogger Sara Robinson has a series of posts (I, II, & III) about the psychology of the authoritarian mindset, and how this affects communication with many religious conservatives. The posts are definitely worth a read in and of themselves, but I want to throw open for discussion what these ideas mean (if anything) for the evolution political controversy.

Is there anything from these posts we can learn about how to communicate, about what should be and should not be communicated, and about who the best communicators would be?

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By Corkscrew (not verified) on 20 Aug 2006 #permalink

Of course, the problem is that the authoritarian mindset afflicts the left as well, and especially atheists.

Bakunin (the real father of terrorism in the modern age) Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot;, all were committed...even fanatical...atheists who were first rate examples of authoritarians.

All hated religion, and were dedidcated to eliminating it, even when doing so adversely affected their other political programs.

Only Stalin let up when he found it expedient to do so during the war, and quckly put the clamps down again when he got what he wanted. (Nobel Prize winner Solzhenitsyn details this brilliantly in The Gulag Archipelageo.)

So to paraphrase Corkscrew, theists are of course kidding themselves if the think they can have ANY kind of discussion with fundamentalist atheists like Dawkins, Dennet, or even Sam Harris (who hates religion with a passion unequaled but ironically goes off on his own mystical tangent) that will not turn into an insult and riducule fest.


By The Christense… (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink

oh, the irony..