Maybe the Republicans Are Not Fleeing From Foley, But...

(well they're cuter than rats...)

...impeachment? David Swanson thinks so:

Believe it or not, the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney is perfectly possible, although a number of factors will have to come together for it to happen. The public will is already there, and this is quite remarkable given the lack of action in Congress or mention in the mainstream media. The polling that has been done on impeachment is dramatic. The Washington Post finds that a third of the country wants Bush not just impeached but also removed from office. Zogby finds that, by a margin of 53% to 42%, Americans want Congress to impeach President Bush if he lied about the war in Iraq. When Americans were asked, "What 2 or 3 specific changes would have to take place in order to improve your trust in government today?" the winner by far was "personnel changes/impeachment proceedings." When Pennsylvanians were asked whether they would be likely to vote for a congressional candidate who "supports having impeachment proceedings against President Bush," 84.9% of Democrats said yes, while 7.0% said no. Among Independents, 49.3% said yes, while 40.6% said no.

The Republican National Committee got spooked this past summer and felt obliged to announce that impeachment would be good for Republicans in the coming elections. This claim is made without a shred of evidence, either in history or in present polling.

Before you think I'm bonkers, Swanson claims that Democratic political operatives are quietly claiming impeachment is coming.

I have no idea if he's right or not, but it's worth a read. What do you think?

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In the land of political polling, 53%-42% is really not enough to give one side leverage over the other. Between statistical error and flightiness, opinion could go either way.

Is there an impeachment procedure for entire our government that doesn't resort to firearms? because likely more than 50% would vote for that.