The reDiscovery Institute

I stumbled across this great creationist parody site: The reDiscovery Institute. You'll definitely have a few laughs with this.

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And Public School Administrators, too. There is a message being sent out, by the Discovery Institute (a non profit creationist 'think' tank) encouraging creationist students and teachers to "Suit Up, Sign Up, Show UP, Act Up and Start Up" (whatever that all means) on February 12, which of course…
Yesterday, PZ Myers over at Pharyngula posted an entry with a link to my post on Why I Am Not Polite. And just like that - shazam! - blog traffic here tripled. Oh Mighty PZ, Zuska salutes you! So, a hearty welcome to all you new readers, and I hope you'll stick around to join in the fun. Check…
Which creationist was the most nauseating? From the NCSE: When it comes to dissing evolution (and science in general) there's no lack of volunteers. How to decide which among them is the worst? Enter the intelligently designed UpChucky Award, which recognizes supreme achievement in the field of…
This is why we love Genie Scott: The NCSE now has a channel on You Tube, and at this time you can see most, probably all, of Genie's testimony in Texas. It is very instructive. GENIE SCOTT IS A MACHINE!!! Here you'll find reports from the evolution/creationism wars -- footage of contentious…

The creationists used to and still do to lesser effect)hold debates with hapless scientists. I say "hapless" because the scientists rarely anticipated the torent of half-truths and outright lies on a myriad of topics (how many biologist can, without warning, present data on the bombadier beetle or the jaw anatoty of Leptolepis?) What I really found interesting in this debate nonsense, however, was their insistanceon the debate topic. It was always evolution, never creationsism. Indeed they would not agree to debates on creationism for the reason you express: there's nothing there once you get past the hackneyed misrepresentation of evolution.