Election Prognostication

With less than 24 hours to go, here are my predictions for the Nov. 8 elections. The Democrats will pick up four Senate seats (and Lieberman will beat Lamont--let's face it, Lamont wasn't a very strong politician), and 26 House seats. Where I think we'll really see the Democratic tidal wave is in the state and local races; these races are very dependent on turnout and will be hurt by the top of the Republican ticket.

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Feh. Lamont is eight thousand times better than Lapdog Lieberman. Not that that's saying much, but at least he's not suckling the Chimper-dong.

I live in California where Phil Angelides, the Democratic candidate for governor, has no chance of winning. We are stuck with Arnold for the time being. Luckily we don't have to worry about losing Pelosi and Feinstein.

Too bad about Lamont - he was but a dream.

Keep score tomorrow on all the contests that have polled to be close. I bet that the R's will win them all and there will be complaints of correption for all them. To begin with, already today we have the RSCC doing misleading robo-calling in those districts, Tomorrow we will hear about voters being told that they were not elibible to vote, that the polling place moved, that computers aren't work right, that some precincts had more votes cast than registered voters, etc.