This I Do Not Understand

By way of Seeing the Forest, I came across this Zogby poll from Sept. 2006 about the Iraq War. The stoopid is really painful.

Half of American voters (50%) say there is no link between Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 terror attacks, while 46% believe there is a connection. However, just 37% of respondents in the poll agreed that Saddam was connected to the attacks and that the Iraq War was justified as retribution for his involvement, while 48% believed that there is no connection between Saddam and 9/11 and the Iraq War has diverted America's attention from the War on Terror.

That 46% still think there's a connection between Saddam Hussein and 9/11 is mindboggling (and yes, it's highest among Republicans and lowest among Democrats--do you think you'll ever hear a Republican or conservative leader explain to the rank and file that this isn't true? Didn't think so either). But what this poll also says is that among those who believed that Hussein was responsible for the murder of 3,000 civilians, 20% don't think we should respond, even though they think we were attacked by a foreign power. Just how stupid are those people?

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But what this poll also says is that among those who believed that Hussein was responsible for the murder of 3,000 civilians, 20% don't think we should respond, even though they think we were attacked by a foreign power. Just how stupid are those people?

There are probably a variety of reasons that those folks responded that way. If they were thinking that invading Iraq would result in more deaths of U.S. citizens than the 9/11 attack, the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqis, and damage the reputation of the U.S. for decades then I would suggest that the only 'stupid' thing about their reasoning is the assumption that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attack.

By oscar zoalaster (not verified) on 28 Mar 2007 #permalink

"...20% don't think we should respond,..."

Well the number would have been different if the question had specified that:
1. The proof of SH's guilt was based on something other than Chalabi's/Cureball's/Wolfowitz's fantasies.
2. We would invade with enough troops, with proper armor.
3. We had international support.
4. We wouldn't disband the Iraqi army.
5. We got out quickly, replacing SH with another strongman who could keep the lid on or partitioned the country.

You get the idea :-)

I think the #s only reflect the deep distrust the public has in allowing the current admin. to wage war.


Iran's President Ahmadinejad is caught on camera kidnapping the Bush twins. He takes them to Iran where he forces them to put on drunken lesbian shows broadcast on Al Jazeera. We should:

1. Authorize Bush to do whatever he wants.

2. Negotiate for their release.

3. Demand 80% of the Pay Per View revenue to fix up Walter Reed and the VA.

Bets on the results?

Iran's President Ahmadinejad is caught on camera kidnapping the Bush twins. He takes them to Iran where he forces them to put on drunken lesbian shows broadcast on Al Jazeera. We should