One More Reason Why Conservapedia Is Really Silly

Not only does Conservapedia, which is like Wikipedia but stupid, spew idiocy about evolution, have some true hackery about evolution, but this part, pulled from the main page, says it all:

(here's a full-sized image complete with cheesy soundtrack)

Masterpiece? Are conservatives trying to destroy what culture the U.S. does possess?

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"Masterpiece" and "Thomas Kinkade" do not belong in the same sentence. Or paragraph, even. Ugh.

Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light.

The vast majority of authors are writers of plot, but they don't brag about the obvious, excpet to the oblivious...

Shouldn't this painting be on black velvet?

By Thoracantha (not verified) on 31 Oct 2007 #permalink

Shouldn't this painting be on black velvet?

With eyes that eerily follow you around the room.

Actually, as a Thomas Kincade fan (and a firm atheist and evolutionist) -- why not "painter of light"? His paintings overwhelmingly have a light source as the primary focus (as opposed to, say, the Hudson River School, which generally puts a water feature near the middle).

That said, I don't know why this picture is being called a masterpiece. Kincaide is a good painter, and he clearly resonates with a lot of people. But the heart of New York is energy and movement with lots of edginess and spice, and he's really much better at cozy and still with familiariy and comfort.

One of the first times evah I can write LOL and mean it literally:)

I almost didn't bother to read this post because reading still more Conservapedia seemed so redundant (as does the collocation'Conservapedia silliness'), but this was priceless...

Kincaide is a good painter

Good, my living room needs two coats.

"Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Light."

Wrongo! Corrected version: "Thomas Kinkade, Painter of Shit."

By PhysioProf (not verified) on 03 Nov 2007 #permalink