Here are some links for you. Science first:
- In the War on Science, Republican Bobby Jindal devalues my college education, President Bush vetoes NIH funding, the Smithsonian censors an exhibit, and the Discovery Institute lies about education.
- Two biotech CEOs aren't happy with NIH funding either.
- One Random Scientist dispatches the latest creationist silliness about antibiotics and evolution.
- ScienceBlogling Tara has a good status report about vaccine-preventable and sexually-transmissible diseases.
- A more dangerous version of the common cold?
- Holy crawling crinoids!!
- I never knew monkfish could eat birds
- William Saletan doesn't understand the genetics of IQ. By the way, how did he become an 'expert' on genetics anyway...
- Darksyde describes the Great Oxygenation.
- The quiet epidemic: smoking and mental illness.
Other stuff:
- I'm getting tired of idiots who can't read bar graphs pontificating about the non-existent Social Security crisis.
- Nouriel Roubini says economy go boom! He's been right so far...
- Lindsay Beyerstein asks whether Giuliani is a criminal or a liar.
- The traditional media and the punditocracy could at least try to pretend they're not sexist jerks.
- Being an 'Iraqitect' not only means you never have to say you're sorry, but also that you can fail 'up.'
- Global warming is an existential threat to conservatism.
- Paul Rosenberg, in discussing Ron Paul, deconstructs why I'm less enamored with Glenn Greenwald than some.
- Maybe Democrats should stop referring to "the American people" so often?
- From the dog bites man files: not all Democratic politicians are allies of the Democratic Party.
- Log in to post comments
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