And Republicans Wonder Why They Don't Fare Well Among Women

Conservative blogger Ben Domenech, in a stereotypical display of rightwing 'humor'*, writes an imaginary speech for Fred Thompson's withdrawal announcement (italics mine):

I have never seen such a bunch of pansies strutting about pretending to be leaders.

Rudy Giuliani? Slick cheater. Mike Huckabee? Jesus freak. John McCain? Crazy. Mitt Romney? Woman.

That says everything, although 'insecure, pencil-dick weenie' probably wouldn't be superfluous.

*There are funny conservatives (Christopher Buckley often cracks me up), but among movement conservatives, much of what passes for humor would be called hate speech (e.g., Anne Coulter, and she's one of the smarter ones...).

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I was referring to the idea that Coulter is seen as funny (as opposed to intelligent). On the other hand, she sells a lot of books, and I don't think liberals are buying them. Maybe a little bit of insulting is in order

I thought that Mitt Romney was the pinnacle of Roarkian Remanlicanism with his chizzled features and bold speech. I learn something new every day, I guess.

What fascinates me here is the whole fred-thompson-as-sock-puppet thing-- where he imagines not just that these words should be said, but that Fred Thompson would ever in a million years say or think them. Projecting your own stances onto a candidate you approve of is one thing, this seems to be something else entirely..

Madame Wev,

Who thought Domenech could be so concise and cram so much stupidity into so few words?




The whole thing of self-projection onto candidates has always mystified me; there has to be a gold mine of psychology theses there...

"Anne Coulter, and she's one of the smarter ones..."

Even though I myself am not a conservative, isn't it insulting to all well-thought-out conservatives (as far from the public eye as they may be) to call Anne Coulter one of the smarter ones (read what she has to say about evolution for example)?

I never even thought she was actually a conservative, more like a real-life troll or poe who satarizes the extreme right position by embodying it, like a less-funny Colbert.

By Jason Failes (not verified) on 31 Jan 2008 #permalink

"John McCain"

One of the "Keating five"...


I was referring to the idea that Coulter is seen as funny (as opposed to intelligent). On the other hand, she sells a lot of books, and I don't think liberals are buying them. Maybe a little bit of insulting is in order....

I think Ann Coulter is hilarious--the natural progression of feminism, because she embodies the ridiculous stance of power. AND she is *almost* a Hillary supporter, only one goose step away from ideological unity with her kindred ;-)

By the real cmf (not verified) on 28 Feb 2008 #permalink

Jeez, now we know why scientists are considered girly-men.

I guess you probably don't like "South Park" either.

What's not to love about this:

"Fred Thompson '08
-Kill the Terrorists
-Protect the Borders
-Punch the Hippies"

By Concept Delta (not verified) on 29 Feb 2008 #permalink

There are funny conservatives (Christopher Buckley often cracks me up), but among movement conservatives, much of what passes for humor would be called hate speech (e.g., Anne Coulter, and she's one of the smarter ones