Best Comment EVAH! About Anti-Obama Screed

In response to my post about the ludicrous rightwing charge that Obama is a result of a Communist interracial breeding plot, Graculus writes:

I understand that Barack Obama has a black child.


(It's reference to the sliming of McCain by Bush in 2000, who had operatives spread rumors that McCain has an illegitimate black child--the child used to 'prove' this is, in fact, an adopted Bangladeshi orphan).


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Not only that, but DNA analysis shows over 98% of Obama's genes are the same ones Osama bin Laden has!


p.s. - and don't forget to go shopping.

McCain/Guiliani 08!

For those, like Mr. Mike, who have complained about Senator Clintons' tactics in her campaign against Senator Obama, let me repeat. Those tactics were love taps compared to that the Rethuglican smear machine will throw at him. Better get prepared; this campaign against Senator Obama will make the swift boat ads and the Willie Horton ads look like a Sunday school picnic.

For those, like Mr. Mike, who have complained about Senator Clintons' tactics in her campaign against Senator Obama, let me repeat. Those tactics were love taps compared to that the Rethuglican smear machine will throw at him.

And we will complain loudly when those happen as well. They're unethical, bad for democracy, and people are getting sick of them. It's time that people who notice them make enough noise that they start to backfire, no matter who uses them. The idea that these things are OK because everybody does them doesn't wash.

By Troublesome Frog (not verified) on 26 Feb 2008 #permalink