The Failures of the Traditional Media in Iraq

Let me count the ways. Actually, Greg Mitchell has done that for us. Here's a couple for you:

11) In one of the purest "my bads" of the war, Fox News' John Gibson ripped Neil Young after the rocker released his protest album Living With War. Gibson demanded that Young go see the new United 93 movie and even offered to buy his ticket. Young, it was soon pointed out, had actually written one of the first 9/11 songs--"Let's Roll," about, you guessed it, Flight 93....

15) In April 2007, CBS' Bob Simon admitted to Bill Moyers that his network should have dug deeper into the false claims on WMD. "I think we all felt from the beginning that to deal with a subject as explosive as this, we should keep it, in a way, almost light--if that doesn't seem ridiculous," he said.

And my favorite (italics mine):

17) On Meet the Press in July 2007, David Brooks declared that 10,000 Iraqis a month would perish if the United States pulled out. Bob Woodward, also on the show, challenged him on this, asking for his source. Brooks admitted, "I just picked that 10,000 out of the air."

Go read the whole list.

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Unfortunately for the Iraqi's and our soldiers who have had their lives destroyed, George W. Bush pulled his disasterous Iraq policy out of his ass.

The most telling was Thomas Friedman. He essentially spelled it out for people, we didn't go in because of Weapons of Mass Distraction, we went in because of big business interests.

As much of a neocon that Friedman is, he puts it out there so there's no doubt about the motivation.

And Friedman had a time period named after him. Six months = one Friedman. This comes from the numerous claims [from Friedman and other sources]that in six months, things will look turn around. It's now been 10 Friedmans.

By natural cynic (not verified) on 16 Mar 2008 #permalink

As if it isn't bad enough that those craven scrotum-licking pieces of shit discarded even the most fleeting sense of journalistic ethics and got all this stuff as wrong as humanly possible, they still are touted as journalistic manly-man experts. Did anyone read Brooks's steaming turd this weekend? What the fuck is that asshole even talking about? If his smug asshole picture weren't next to his column, you'd think he was a toothless drug addict on Day 5 of a meth run.