The Republican Party Has Created Safe Spaces for the Right Wing Nutters

Watching the slow-motion public meltdown is fascinating in a sort of macabre way. Amanda asks:

In all seriousness, it's genuinely hard to believe that these people could be for real. I have no idea how it got this bad.

I do! The Mad Biologist has an answer: the wingnuts have decided that Republican rallies are a 'safe space.'

Anyone who has been involved in any kind of community organizing has probably lived through the sorry experience of watching an organization be taken over by nutters who are more interested in using that organization for their needs (including psychological) and agendas than the original goal of the organization. (The crazy far left--all twenty of them--did this to the broader Left--and fortunately we've barfed 'em back up). Then the nutters attract more nutters in an accumulation of nuttiness.

This process doesn't happen right away: this requires a critical mass of nutters to kickstart the whole.

And this is precisely what has happened to the Republican Party. Since the Nixon era they have embraced some of the most loathsome and batshit lunatic elements of American society. The Republican Party has chased away sane people (you know, the ones who don't think Obama is a socialist, even if they don't like his policies at all). The Republican Party has finally reached that tipping point. At some stage, this actually becomes a gravitational force that attracts other lunatics--and where exactly did you think the paranoids who thought that BILL CLINTON"S PENIS MURDERED VINCE FOSTER!!!! were going to go? In essence, they now feel that a political rally is a 'safe space', where the crazies can fell safe spouting their lunacy and hatred in public.

Fortunately, for America, it's not a safe space. Now, we can see the lunacy on full display.

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And these batshit people are precisely why, whether McCain or Obama gets to the oval office, I'm getting out of the United States by 2020.

I don't even think of them as human.

Actually, if you spend any time reading, you can see what all of the super wingnutters do in their spare time when not calling for Obama's head at Palin rallies.

The only people left in the Republican Party are depraved racist misogynist theocratic wackaloon scuzbuckets, irretrievably poisoned delusional fuckwit victims of decades of sick-fuck right-wing propaganda, and a smattering of greedfuck plutocrats. (Although the latter are beginning to flee to the Democratic Party in droves, seeing newer softer flesh to sink their vicious fangs into.)

Did you ever think that neo-nazis like the McCain campaign has attracted would be considered mainstream?

Thanks John, thanks Sarah, you've brought back the Bund.

By Robert Jase (not verified) on 12 Oct 2008 #permalink

A ruined, loony GOP isn't a bad thing. Just a shame it took so long.

Wait...So you're telling me that Bill Clinton's penis didn't murder Vince Foster?

So then, whose penis did murder Vince Foster?

By Trin Tragula (not verified) on 14 Oct 2008 #permalink

No one can ever doubt the physical courage of anyone running for or serving as president, but Barack Obama must have superhuman bravery. I fear for his life; these wingnuts will not go quietly away. All they have to do is "turn" one Secret Service guy. Happens all over the world. Paranoid? Not me, just old enough to have seen way too much.

No one can doubt the physical courage of anyone running for or serving as president, but Barack Obama must have superhuman bravery. I fear for his life; these wingnuts will not go quietly away. All they have to do is "turn" one Secret Service guy. Happens all over the world. Paranoid? Not me, just old enough to have seen way too much.