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Krugman worried that any prospects for the US avoiding depression would be scuppered by the collective action of the "fifty Herbert Hoovers" - the individual state governors acting to cut spending as the federal government tried to boost spending. If the states deflate faster than the feds can…
I didn't blog about the debt ceiling becauseâ¦Â ugh. The idea that the Republican party would hold the country, and indeed the world economy, hostage is unimaginably awful. The idea that, in the midst of a recession barely worse than the Great Depression, we're talking about cutting government…
I'm behind the curve a bit here, but I've seen and heard a bunch of people making really sleazy arguments about the current financial stimulus package working its way through congress, and those arguments are a perfect example of one of the classic ways of abusing statistics. I keep mentioning…
Good morning. First, briefly, we have a podcast of yesterday's radio show here, a brand new book review of Scott's Evolution vs. Creationism here, and a new Congo Memoir here. The minimal funding levels for science in the currently debated bill have been replaced, owing to activities of Senators…