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This is the eighth of eight posts on evolutionary research to celebrate Darwin's bicentennial. In Virginia, USA, sits a facility called the American Type Culture Collection. Within its four walls lie hundreds of freezers containing a variety of frozen biological samples and among these, are 99…
There are limits to even my capacity to cope with The Stupid, and this video reaches them. It's interesting in a historical sense, in that it seems to be an old recording — familiar faces look so young, and the whole thing has the clumsy style of a bad 1970s documentary—but it's a whole half-hour…
A reader sent me a note about this rather well known and deeply stupid poster from Jack Chick…I'd already seen it and addressed it some time ago, but I thought I'd bring back this old article. Jack Chick, the author of the infamous Big Daddy anti-evolution tract, has an amusing poster he's…
Some of you may be reluctant to delve into the fiery melee that are the Pharyngula comments, but you're missing a very entertaining battle. We had a creationist named Steven pop by last night to offer his, um, opinions. Here's a brief summary of some of his sillier claims. Darwin was a racist.…