Monday Links

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We're really fortunate here at Terra Sigillata World Headquarters to have a strong, dedicated readership. But I'm always tickled when we attract new readers and attention to the views we express here. Late yesterday I received a very nice e-mail from Andrew Plemmons Pratt, Managing Editor of…
This past weekend, a diversity of scholars and experts were called to Oregon for what might be described as a "three cultures summit" on climate change. The two-day deliberation included scientists, philosophers, poets, writers, social scientists, and filmmakers. Our focus, as Oregon State…
Here's an odd correlation for you: whenever I take a swipe at the foolishness of Scott Adams, I get a major uptick in the usual trickle of Christian email. I don't quite see Adams as a friend to Christianity, although he does seem to foster the kind of shallow thinking on which religiosity thrives…
Note to GOP - ACORN Was Defrauded and You Know It: 1. The GOP during the 70's, 80's and 90's employed a number of methods to register voters to insure the people they were registering were indeed Republican. One method was to go through a neighborhood and register everyone who wasn't registered.…

The Honey Badger thing in the first link was something I've seen before. While I don't have any personal experience with Honey Badgers I'm willing to bet money that the video narration and caption were exaggerated in the extreme. It doesn't help that they cobbled together at least two different instances of snake/badger interaction to make the segment showing badger predation on snakes. Do they really think that they can show a puff adder and then some sort of cobra (which they call a puff adder) and have anyone believe that it is the same event? Hell, those snakes don't look anything alike. It would be hard to find two snakes of comparable size that look less alike. What BS.

Oh, and the candiru thing? I think the word they're looking for is urethra. I'm pretty sure that most of us (at least 50%) know that women don't pee out of their vaginas.