Best Spoof of Frank Miller EVAH!

I think it's a spoof. Maybe it's an homage? Either way, combining the comic strip Peanuts with Frank Miller (writer of the comics The Dark Knight Returns, Ronin, Sin City, and many others) is interesting...


More like this appears some of you take your comics quite seriously. At least, should one be so foolish as to point out painfully obvious, boringly everyday occurrences of sexism. Danimal asks of Comrade Physioprof: "So you are saying the comic reflects real life?" What Physioprof said is this…
After yesterday's all-out frontal assault on a dubious scientific journal (which, by the way, you should still read if you haven't already), how about some lighter fare for today? A couple of months ago, when the fury of fundamentalist Muslims was directed at Denmark for the publication by one of…
I've been doing this for a few years now, last year, 2008 and 2007 and it seems like an interesting and maybe even useful thing to continue this year. I really enjoy seeing other people's reading lists (like here, here and here) and enjoy adding my own to the mix. So, below you'll find a list of…
and a nod to a new comic strip. Yesterday evening as I drove along the allee of American elms which marks the passage from US Route 1 to Einsteinville's famous campus, I saw fireflies rising from the grass in the adjacent fields. On the eve of the summer solstice, here were the true harbingers of…

Oops ... saw the old post but not this new one. Never mind!