Monday Links

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In Defense of Mockeryby Iris Vander Pluym Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. -Thomas Jefferson I read with profound weariness a piece in Salon by Michael Lind entitled Hey, liberals: Time to give the Beck bashing a rest. Lind is apparently under the…
I am still a little under the weather, but I managed to get online and read and see what I missed - what an eventful week! And a bad week for the Right. Libby is guilty. Heads are falling around the Walter Reed affair. Newt Gingrich blames the NOLA victims for not being good enough citizens to…
Hot Air and the daily caller are excited to pronounce socialized medicine dead as the British NHS plans to contract with private hospitals and providers on top of socialized care. From The Caller: Joseph A. Morris, a former Reagan White House lawyer who now serves on the board of the American…
With the recent victory of this administration in passing health care reform I felt it was time to talk again about the importance of this issue and some of my own experiences in the last year of my surgical training. I was, and still am of the belief that reform, whatever form it might take, will…

The comments on the Scarborough link are great. The one reactionary referring to the legislation as "totalitarian" and threatening to sue the government if it passes is priceless.