Saturday Links

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...what he said. I was going to write about how Rep. Joe Wilson, who during last night's presidential address shouted "You lie!", shouldn't be criticized for being rude or uncivil. After all, if Obama had advocated sending left-handed people to gas chambers, I hope someone would have the courage…
Happy Sunny Saturday! If you're trapped inside, I have links for you. Science: Love p-values for what they are, don't try to make them what they're not Genomics: High-throughput "Next-Generation" Sequencing Facilities Map Illumina still dominate sequencing market: ABI and 454 Jockey for 2nd Place…
Here are some links for you. Science first: Swine flu: breaking the acute care system Swine flu: laboratory surveillance Don't! The secret of self-control. Swine flu: estimating pandemic potential with a computer model using early data Other: THIS WEEK IN GOD.... Where is Obama's version of…
The Trouble with Scientists | Speakeasy Science "Scientists won't talk to journalists; they don't want to waste their time "dumbing it down"; they don't see it as "making us smarter." So many of the good stories in science don't get covered at all. Or the stories get covered only for an already…