Friday Links

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Links for a rainy weekend. Science: The arc of evolutionary genetics is long An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All McCain's Male Voters Suffered Testosterone Drop Breaking the Link - Darwinius revealed as ancestor of nothing The arcs of evolutionary genetics…
It's Friday. Here are some links. Science: Why you CAN have your $1000 genome - so long as you learn what to do with it A Physicist Solves the City Algorithms Take Control of Wall Street (Got Transaction Tax?) How does bleach work? Other: "Don't politicize this tragedy!" Let's Get This Straight…
Gray. Rainy. Links. Science: You can't be a fan of SF and lament the rise of ebooks The Meaning of Mastodon Tusks When journalists do primary research Other: Stop Waiting for a Savior The Deficit Debate is Deception Drivel Peter Orszag Can Defuse Complaints About His Giant Wall Street Payday By…