Tweetlinks, 10-11-09

Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time:

'Male slashes female's throat in UCLA chemistry lab': Violence in a UCLA Lab

'Check out these gorgeous photos of small things': Nikon Small World 2009

Quoting 'Psychics' Like Experts: How Low Can News Judgement Go? - loved to see James Randi himself post a comment there!

Compare it to this article on the same topic - 'psychic' financial advisers: Paranormal Wall Street

Women to stop liking Sean Connery?

The Times' new magazine about science: Eureka

Avoiding the Community Manager Superstar

Uselessness is in the eye of the beholder... - "A major furor erupted in Britain recently when the government announced that it had introduced measures to eradicate "pointless research.""

"The Times Public Editor attempts to explain health care coverage that does not truly explain health care": The Health Care Sprawl

Iran. Woman. Finger: BEST. PICTURE. EVER.

How 'superswarms' of krill gather

Things you may say about "your lovely partner because you're a nice person not because its true": Waiting for clitoromania

Offensive Play: How different are dogfighting and football? - 'New Gladwell, on football and dogfighting. Heavy focus on great UNC research.'

Being a Clam in Molluscan Zodiac, I should "Avoid cheesecake at all costs this week, except on Wednesday"

Copyright Infringement is NOT Theft

Entire Cities Recreated Using Thousands of Flickr Photos - including Rome, Dubrovnik.

Once again, future-safe archives

Why the epidemiology of swine flu matters

While everyone is on the subject of HPV..., or, why boys should be vaccinated, not just girls.

Student survey on virtual science conferences

Replicators First vs. Metabolism First

I knew that rule back in 1st grade! - Don't these people have The Google? - "Jim Fallows caught egregious WashPost editorial flub"

Interesting job listing at UNC Chapel Hill: Executive Producer for Digital Student Newsroom

ZOMG what an incredible piece of hyper-adaptationism: On The Belly: Evolution's Hot Button - he better wish Larry Moran does not see this and tear it apart!

Small African primate possibly sheds light on soft-tissue morphology of Cretaceous diplodocoid


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