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Under the fold.... WHAT MAKES PEOPLE VOTE REPUBLICAN?: When Republicans say that Democrats "just don't get it," this is the "it" to which they refer. Conservative positions on gays, guns, god, and immigration must be understood as means to achieve one kind of morally ordered society. When Democrats…
It is actually pretty hard to find a story of people vandalizing McCain signs. In one of the few cases I have seen of anti-McCain vandalism, there is strong evidence that it was self inflicted by a crazy Republican who wanted to make it look like his house had been hit by Democrats. Meanwhile,…
I don't mean to get all Bob Somerby on you, but Frank Rich's Sunday op-ed is ridiculous. Obama isn't acquiescing to Republican demands because he's suffering from Stockholm Syndrome or some other deep-seated psychological malady. That's clearly overthinking the problem. It's far more basic than…
Two surveys released this week provide more information on how public opinion may or may not be shifting relative to climate change and energy. I provide some highlights and quick context below on fears over a growing "climate fatigue." Pew: Global Warming and Energy Wane as Perceived Priorities…

You know, this is really a LOT of homework for us to do.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 13 Dec 2009 #permalink