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Finally, there might be a Democrat who speaks my language about deficits and budgets. From Tapped (italics and bold mine): I think the honest answer to this question is that there's a tension between our desire to eliminate the deficit and create a stronger economic foundation and eliminate some…
I don't understand how they could write the headline,"On Health Care, Two Visions With Their Own Set of Facts" in regards to the debate between Obama and Romney last week. The appropriate headline should have been "On Health Care, Two Visions With Romney Telling Falsehoods". It's another example…
We're starting to hear about how Obama intends to implement healthcare in this country. President Barack Obama says he's open to requiring all Americans to buy health insurance, as long as the plan provides a "hardship waiver" to exempt poor people from having to pay. Obama opposed such an…
The Cato Institute's budget studies department has released a study that really nails Bush and the Republicans for their big spending ways. Here's the summary: President Bush has presided over the largest overall increase in inflation-adjusted federal spending since Lyndon B. Johnson. Even after…