Sunday Links

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Last day of vacation. Links for you. Science: Vaccine Denialism Finds a Home on Left and Right False Balance in Matthew Nisbet's Climate Shift Report Guest Post: It's Not Just Alternative Energy Versus Fossil Fuels or Nuclear - Energy Has to Become DECENTRALIZED Some people deserve bad…
Sunny. Kinda warm. Seems like a good reason for links. Science: Small Beetles Massacre The Rockies' Whitebark Pines Why the grass is always greener once you hit grad school Nuclear Reactors A More Ancient World: Bird Evolution for Birders Part II (WARNING! Super long and photo rich) Other: Some…
One problem stemming from the collapse of housing prices is that many households, even if they can still make their overpriced mortgages, are going to be paying far more for their houses than they should. That means less money for other things, from the frivolous to the important. So I've always…
Following President Obama's address to Congress Tuesday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal delivered a speech on behalf of the Republican National Committee that criticized a government spending bill, claiming it was "larded with wasteful spending" because it allotted $140 million for "something…

blegging... speaking of deficit hawks, some of us lefty/liberal bloggers are helping set up a counter-conference, april 28 in washington dc, to try to counter pete peterson's upcoming deficit hysteria conference and we're looking for all the lefty/liberal blog publicity we can get!