Thank the All-Father it's Frejyasdaeg. Celebrate with some links. Science:
Science Blogging Networks: What, Why and How
If you're predicting disease, you should be regulated
A warmer ocean is a less green one
One epidemic, two problems
When Should You Open Your Car Windows? An Experiment
Delusions, Illusions, and the True Costs of Digital Publishing
Obama's Legacy: Afghanistan
Investing in a nanny state for social returns
Credit Score Is the Tyrant in Lending
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Thank the All Father it's Frejyasdaeg. Links for you. Science:
The Passion of the Scientist (Science is a job, not a calling; also, wives now have jobs--some of them are even scientists!)
Next-Gen Sequencing Software: The Present and the Future
Dolphin species attempt 'common language'
I humbly present, once again, the quasi-weekly linkfest. Enjoy!
First, a reminder: Submit awesome science blogging for Open Lab! I encourage you not to be shy about submitting your own stuff!
Also, are you following me on twitter? Lots of shenanigans going on over there, and lots of good links, too…
The final bit of meta-blogging I'll do this weekend is another look at what survives from past years. Unfortunately, when National Geographic took over, they broke our Google Analytics access, so I can't see blog stats from before mid-2012 any more. I do, however, have this old post listing the top…
I've hit the green gooey phase in my cold (that's actually a good thing). Yippee!! Let's celebrate with some links. Science:
'Rockstars of Science' hurt the cause of science education
How the Republican Party broke up with Science
New Obama Scientific Integrity Memo Is Late And Vague
Yet another…
Nei, nei, nei nei! I dag er Fredag!