Links 8/9/10

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All ones in today's date. Deepak Chopra is no doubt proclaiming some mystical significance. Let's counteract that with some intelligent links. Science: Hope and Change coming to Texas State School Board: Dr. Michael Soto! UPDATED Asian Carp DNA Found: Nothing Between Them and Great Lakes A…
Today is 10/10/10; no doubt, woomeisters are reading great significance into the date. Instead of reading TEH STOOPD, read some good links. Science: Scott Kern's Message Cool Evolution Trick: Platinum Turns Baby Snails Into Slugs Other: Which Came First: The Regulation Or The Egg? Job Tracker (…
He's baaaack. Deepak Chopra. Remember him? It's been a while since I've said much about him and him alone. True, I've gone after him this year when he joined up with three other major league woo-meisters Dean Ornish, Rustum Roy, and Andrew Weil to try to try to help Senator Tom Harkin hijack the…
It occurs to me that things have been perhaps overly serious here at the ol' blog for the last couple of weeks. Don't get me wrong. I think I done good lately, if I do say so myself. However, the constant drumbeat of quackery and depressing stories takes its toll after a while. I need a break. And…