Links 12/21/10

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Links for you. Science: The disposable academic: Why doing a PhD is often a waste of time (nothing regular readers of any science blog aren't familiar with, but interesting to see it hit The Economist) Finding their place in the sun: Schools in Plymouth, Milton pursue partnerships with solar power…
Being a bee is hard. I'm speaking specifically of the honey bee, Apis mellifera, the one that produces the honey you buy in the store. Many insects, and other critters, eat by finding food and then eating it, and then they do that for a while and now and then reproduce by finding a mate, laying…
As you all know, I was not an Obamamaniac. I never thought that he was a super-Progressive. But I am liking what I am seeing right now. A lot of Progressive bloggers are screaming bloody murder how Obama has abandoned them by not appointing the Progressives to various cabinet posts. Hello? He's…
This edition goes out to the badass parrots. Links for you. Science: Ordinal Regression: Data to Order A virtuous intolerance Budget 2012: NIH and CDC Republicans are closing their eyes to climate science Who dares enter the lair of the stingless bees? The secrets of ant sleep revealed Other: Why…