Links 1/13/11

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Thank goodness it's...Saturday. Crap. Well, I've got some links, anyway. Science: Disease Experts: Antibiotics Are a Natural Resource that Needs Protection Will Gulf science be compromised by politics? Census of the Science Blogosphere 2000 to 2010: If you blog about science, you should fill…
Happy Post-Evacuation Day. Links for you. Science: Do Most Of NYT's Science Staff Doubt The Dangers of Global Warming? That's What One Prominent Science Journalist Claims. CDC today Mexican Cave Scorpions Show Specialization Not Evolutionary Dead End Other: Michael Kinsley Cries "Fire! Fire!!" in…
One of the greatest challenges in all of evolutionary science is to figure out which species evolved into which over time. From our perspective, we would love to know how humans came to be, who our ancestors were, and what simpler animals gave rise to us. Well, we don't know this right now. We…
A diagram of how the skeletons of Australopithecus sediba came to be preserved in the Malapa cave deposit. From Dirks et al, 2010. A little less than two million years ago, in what is now South Africa, a torrential downpour washed the bodies of two humans into the deep recesses of a cave. Just…