Links 1/21/11

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I've noted before that the background to the 'culture wars' is that white, male, Christian (often Protestant) is no longer the cultural default setting. Regarding religion: The greatest con theopolitical conservatives ever pulled was getting their religious views defined as the cultural 'default…
For once I tried to think ahead about a major anniversary, and I'm still casting about for original thoughts on what would have been Martin Luther King Jr.'s 80th birthday. Obviously, there's the significance of MLK Day being followed by President Obama's inauguration. That's a connection so…
Rain, rain, go away, come back....NEVER. Oh well. Links for you. Science: The Ivory Ceiling of Service Work Martin Luther King, Jr., on science and religion Bull sharks spotted swimming down the main street in Goodna - 30km from the coast The Assyrians and Jews: 3,000 years of common history…
Apparently, Matt Stoller, like the Mad Biologist, wants to hear a dog whistle from Obama too (italics mine): 74% of young caucus goers self-identified as Democrats, and 73% self-identified is liberals. Yeah, that's some post-partisan and post-ideological generation coming through the ranks. This is…