Links 1/19/11

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We commemorate today the life of Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., the inspirational civil rights leader who was assassinated at age 39 in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968.   Rev. King was visiting Memphis to support hundreds of city sanitation workers in their demands for safer working…
It's snowing. Big whoop. Links for you. Science: Meet Dicty the amoeba - the world's smallest farmer On sharing genes with friends The rise of genetic architecture Are synthetic associations a man-made phenomenon? Other: Americans Are Far Less Conservative Than the Right Wing Claims: New…
Nice day yesterday, but snow tomorrow. Anyway, links for you. Science: Illumina announces new arrival in the sequencing arms race Monsanto GM Corn Linked to Organ Damage in Animals Groups ask U.S. to regulate shipping of commercial bumblebees Can Obama Stop the War on Science? Other: It's Not…
We're having a very wet Wednesday. Time for links. Science: A Piece of Internet History: Duke to shut Usenet server, home to the first electronic newsgroups Brand-new research: Vast increase MRSA, CA-MRSA diagnoses among kids CREDIBILITY Troubling New Research on MRSA in Kids Knowledge and Use of…

I think Israel's a lost cause mostly 'cause nobody there apparently knows how to share. This is shit you're supposed to figure out by the time you're five.

By Katharine (not verified) on 19 Jan 2011 #permalink