Links 2/18/11

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But you won't stand for it. Later this week the House will vote on HR 1, a "continuing resolution" (CR) to fund the federal government for the remainder of FY 2011. HR 1 would cut NIH funding by $1.6 billion (5.2%) BELOW the current level - reducing the nation's medical research budget to $29.4…
Gray. Rainy. Links. Science: You can't be a fan of SF and lament the rise of ebooks The Meaning of Mastodon Tusks When journalists do primary research Other: Stop Waiting for a Savior The Deficit Debate is Deception Drivel Peter Orszag Can Defuse Complaints About His Giant Wall Street Payday By…
It's a slushy Saturday. That means lots of time to read links. Science: Don't Become a Scientist! They really do hate us: "small dog" haplotype from the Middle East A Look into Obesity and Gut Microbiota Splash Down: Pacific Biosciences Unveils Third-Generation Sequencing Machine Anthrax Case…
Kinda cold here. Let's warm up with some links. Science: From the Trenches of the War on Science Friday Beetle Blogging: A Stunning Staphylinid Koalas bellow to attract a mate Crocodile tears from experienced NIH investigators over the discontinued A2 revision Disease!: Four billion dead Sequenced…