Links 3/15/11

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So I've just told you to avoid underestimating college students, but I guess you shouldn't do the same with Republicans, especially Breitbart-style Republicans. Their latest embarrassment is yet another piece of work from James O'Keefe, the young mastermind who dressed up as a pimp and dishonestly…
If you haven't heard, a NPR executive was forced to resign after an undercover recording by the minions of James O'Keefe. I don't see why anyone's getting bent out of shape because said executive called the Tea Party "racist"--some of them are quite bigoted, and other are scary, gun toting people…
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You laugh, you lose: Learn to better communicate your research to non-scientists at the Workshop on Communicating Science & Engineering with Chris Mooney When: May 24, 2010-9am-1pm. Lunch will be provided. Where: MIT- Room/Bldg TBA Why: These days, amid ongoing media controversies over climate…