Links for you. Science:
More on the mega lab
Bats are worth billions
What Is This Fallacy Called?
Hold Onto Your Floppy Disks, Nerdz!
The Real Housewives of Wall Street: Why is the Federal Reserve forking over $220 million in bailout money to the wives of two Morgan Stanley bigwigs?
Not Only Has He Lost My Vote
Why do some of the most capable public servants in America, people like economist Peter Orszag, keep circling back from Washington to Wall Street? One guess.
Two for Uncle Sam, One for Shareholders: The 71% NYTimes Co. Tax Rate
Robert Samuelson Underestimates Dependence on the Government
Feminism makes boners sad.
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Now if former head of the OMB Peter Orszag were only so charitable when it came to disability benefits. From AMERICAblog, here's the timeline:
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