This Is a Non-Political Post About a Very Political Dog

By way of Lambert, I came across this awesome video of Loukanikos, a stray dog in Athens, Greece, who apparently has a history of not liking riot police (the action kicks in at about the 1:10 mark):

I guessing Louk isn't upset about the EU forcing contractionary policies on an economy with already sky-high unemployment (I could be wrong though!). Probably, it's a combination of a riot policeman at some point taking a swing at him along with demonstrators feeding him.

Which means he's as sophisticated about politics as many humans.


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Bravo Loukanikos!

How did it happen that the Greeks have so many Anglophone rioters than they feel it necessary for the cops to identify themselves in English on their shields?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 04 Jul 2011 #permalink

EU rules about multilingual facilities, dontcha know :-)

Actually, "Police" or some variation is not only for English, but French as well. And the same four letters in front covers German and Dutch and the like (even Turkish), so I guess the idea is to tell all the foreigners who read roman alphabets that these are cops.

Maybe the manufacturer of police shields figured to save money?

What's amazing to me is that with all that going on, the dog doesn't bite anyone. If I put my dog in the middle of that, someone would very likely be bitten.

The dog looks like he's having fun more so than protesting...

Bravo Loukanikos!
How did it happen that the Greeks have so many Anglophone rioters than they feel it necessary for the cops to identify themselves in English on their shields?
amazing videos. political vavvv..