
Hi all! I wanted to take a moment say hello, and say how honored I am to join Sci and Evil here at Neurotopia. Some of you may know me as Jake Young formerly of the Pure Pedantry blog. Some of you, I may be writing to for the first time.

In either case, I am looking forward to talking about some fun neuroscience with all of you. Posting will be kind of sporadic because work is rough, but hopefully we will have a chance to really delve into neuroscience and medicine.

A note about the pseudonym: yes, I know that you know who I am. Yes, I am comfortable with that being an open secret. I decided to take a pseudonym cuz all these cool kids are over here were doing it, and by Jove a man's got to fit in somehow.

For those of you who don't know, LTP stands for long-term potentiation. It is an important molecular process of memory formation that I will hopefully have a lot to say about in the next few weeks. In the meantime, I will put up my first post in a second.


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